
Showing posts from November, 2021

BLOG POST 7: Changes to my study programme

"Changes to my study programme" Hello class, nice to see you one more week, I hope you are all well. As I said in previous posts, I am in my second year of Geography, and the truth is this week's topic is quite interesting, however, I had never thought about it before. Regarding to the infrastructure of the faculty, unfortunately I do not know what to say, because since I entered in 2020,  (due to the pandemic) I have only gone this semester a couple of times to a single subject, in addition to a classroom, only I have occupied the bathrooms. So I have no experience with the faculty :( The subjects, well until now... there have been some more interesting than others, some I enjoy and motivate me day by day to follow, and others became very complicated, however, I think that all are fundamental for geography, for the same, would not make modifications. On the other hand, I consider the academic load excessive, and something that the teachers could take into consideration, ...

BLOG POST 6: Time travel to the future

"The Future" Hello class, how are you?? The truth is that this topic is somewhat difficult for me, but at the same time I like it because there is so much to say. I'm not really a person who thinks a lot about the past or the future, rather I live thinking that what happened is already gone and what comes is a surprise. Studying geography has given me a very broad vision of the planet we inhabit, and how unfortunately we are destroying it day by day, and for this reason it is difficult for me to think of “a future”. Estimates of the effects of climate change (CC) are alarming, and in some cases irreversible, and I honestly don't imagine a future like in the movies at all, I think it is utopian. Furthermore, Chile wouldn't be a rich country with the greatest technologies and advances. If I could travel to the future (to any part of the world) I would see if the effects of CC are reversible, if there is a positive advance, or on the contrary perhaps I find the...