BLOG POST 3: related to your studies...
"Doreen Massey" Hello class... I'm studying geography in my second year, and in this post I would like to tell you about Massey, her contributions to geography and why I admire her. Doreen Barbara Massey (1944 - 2016) was a British social scientist, activist, and geographer specializing in : Marxist, feminist and cultural geography, (even she contributed some of the most important authors in Marxist geography). She revolutionized the academic world through his books and essays , full of political commitment, and in some, he takes a feminist perspective to consider power relations. She being the precursor of the term "geometry power." Although her contributions were many more to geography, and the concepts made by her require further explanation, I will summarize it in that I admire her especially because, the main fields of study in which she specialized were : globalization, regional development uneven, the cities and the reconceptualization of the terminol...